jueves, 1 de diciembre de 2011

Bea Alías

Hello! My name is Bea and I’m 13 years old. I live in the little town of Garrucha. It’s a very beautiful place!

I love the beach because I usually go with my friends in summer’s mornings. The beach is very big and it has two or three parks to the children and a place where you can play football. It also has a volleyball’s net. 

Garrucha has two cinemas, one is for the winter and the other
is a cinema for the summer, the last one is like a cinema but it

hasn’t got a roof so you can see the sky plenty of stars. My

little town hasn’t got one public pool but it has a promenade

next to the beach. 

I live with my parents, Paco and Bea (as me!), and my dog, 

Pancho. We live on a third floor. My house has two balconies,

a living room, a dinner room (which is the bigger room), a 

kitchen, a bath room, and two bedrooms. My room is full of 

photos of musicians and actors.

I like reading, I actually love it. I love the Harry Potter’s 


I don’t have a favourite one because they are all so perfect. 

My favourite characters are Fred and George, they are so 

funny and cute at the same time! I listen to music every 

moment I can.

I love Mcfly, I haven’t been at a McFly’s gig but I hope 

someday I can meet them.


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